Corporate Governance


We have established an audit committee with written terms of reference in compliance with the Code on Corporate Governance Practices, as set out in Appendix 14 to the Listing Rules. The audit committee consists of three members: three independent non-executive Directors, being Mr. DIAO Jianshen, who will serve as chairman of the committee, Mrs. Yangfang Liu and Mr. CHAN Wan Tsun Adrian Alan. The primary duties of the audit committee are to review and supervise the financial reporting process and internal control system of the Group.

Terms of Reference


We have established a remuneration committee with written terms of reference in compliance with the Code on Corporate Governance Practices, as set out in Appendix 14 to the Listing Rules. The remuneration committee consists of three members: one executive Director, being Mr. Li Jianping, who will serve as chairman of the committee, and two independent non-executive Directors, being Mr. DIAO Jianshen and Mrs. Yangfang Liu. The primary duties of the remuneration committee are to evaluate and make recommendations to the Board on the remuneration policy covering the Directors and senior management of the Group.

Terms of Reference


We have established a nomination committee with written terms of reference in compliance with the Code on Corporate Governance Practices, as set out in ~Appendix 14 to the Listing Rules. The nomination committee consists of three members: one executive Director, being Mr. Li Jianping, who will serve as chairman of the committee, and two independent non-executive Directors, being Mr. DIAO Jianshen and Mrs. Yangfang Liu. The primary duties of the nomination committee are to identify, screen and recommend to the Board appropriate candidates to serve as directors of the Company, to oversee the process for evaluating the performance of the Board and to develop, recommend to the Board and monitor nomination guidelines for the Company.

Terms of Reference

Shareholder Communication Policy

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Procedures for Shareholders to Propose a Person for Election as Director

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Memorandum and Articles of Association

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